Parents are not permitted to enter classrooms without an appointment with the class teacher, or without being accompanied by a member of the administration or teaching staff.
For all other questions not specifically of an academic nature, please make an appointment to speak to our administration team, the Principal.
To report an absence, please call the office on 099 87 87 82
Please ensure that:
- Contact details are up to date
- Parents/Carers absences or unavailability are always known
-Medical conditions are known
-Vaccination information is kept up to date
- Medications are known and explained how to administer to your child by our Admin staff
At all times, ISSR Day Care Center will exercise its responsibility to ensure the care and safety of students based on the information at hand. When unforeseen events occur, such information will assist in the proper implementation of any relevant emergency policy.
As part of our commitment to childrens care, ISSR Day Care Center ensures that there are staff members with up to date First-Aid certification on site and that the whole team is aware of emergency procedures.
Any adult who is not a member of staff must wear a visitor badge whenever they are on the ISSR Day Care Center premises. This includes parents who are at school to drop off/pick up their children or to deliver lunch.
- Fees: First semester fees are due in August on commencement of the Day Care Center year and then the second semester in January.
Enrollment fees are non-refundable and are to be paid in full before the Day Care Center term starts. A child admitted during the Day Care Center year must arrange payment of fees before schooling starts. A full semester payment is required, irrespective of when in the semester a child starts.
Books, classroom supplies, infant supplies and minor miscellaneous resources or expenses are charged separately to cover each childs general usage of, art materials, and related materials throughout the Day Care Center year. This fee is non-refundable and must be paid in full before the program starts.
- Certificates of Attendance: These can be provided to parents who require certification for a foreign national administration regarding their children e.g. clarification of the curriculum followed at ISSR Day Care Center, key dates of their child’s enrollment or other information. Please contact the ISSR Day Care Center office regarding these.
- Insurance: All students and staff at ISSR Day Care Center are covered by a group accident insurance policy for injury on the ISSR Day Care Center grounds and during any excursions. This insurance does not cover illness while attending ISSR Day Care Center Parents are not charged for this cover, which becomes active once initial fees are paid.
- Pick Up: Pick up will commence at 4:00pm. Parents/carers are requested to pick up their children no later than 4:10pm. Parents will be met by a member of staff who will accompany them to their childs room for pick up.
For late collections without prior arrangements, a fee will be incurred by the parents/carers concerned.
- Late Pick Up: Arrrangements can be made at the office for late pick ups up to 5pm. This service will inccure an extra fee.
- Please note: If a parent/carer does not have their ID badges with them for drop off and pick up, they will have to go to the office to sign in and recieve a visitors badge.
- All parents and families must follow the directions of ISSR Day Care Center staff and be courteous and respectful at all times.
We ask that you obey the rules of the road outsidde of the Day Care Center.
If a child has a case of vomiting, fever or diarrhea, they must be kept at home until they have recovered. If the school suspects one of these cases, a parent will be called to collect their child from school.
For children with an ailment that does not otherwise prevent their presence in school, ISSR Day Care Center cannot take responsibility for administering medicine. However, an arrangement can be discussed on a case-by-case basis.
Parents are responsible for updating their child’s vaccinations each year and should inform the school administration whenever there is a change of status regarding such vaccinations. A record of all medication taken at ISSR Day Care Center is kept in the school office.
Children must also show respect to each other at all times. Inappropriate behaviour in terms of actions, body language or verbal expressions will result in the school policy on discipline being applied (parents can view this policy at the school office). At the beginning of each year children will be informed of sanctions for inappropriate behaviour.
Our goal is to create a safe environment where everyone knows how to act during a fire, minimizing risks and ensuring the well-being of our school community.