Sports Day and Swimming Gala
Every year we hold a sports day for the children, staff and parents to take part in. The children love competing in a variety of events from the classic egg and spoon race to a tug of war. Staff and parents are also encouraged to support the children competing in their house teams and even take part in special events. The swimming gala has successfully challenged children to become competitive swimmers year after year. The children love competing and parents really enjoy coming out to support them in their races.
Links with the wider community
Community is very important to us at ISSR and as such we strive to make a variety of links with other schools. We have links with Ecole Française de Siem Reap, the children who study French spend time with their French speaking counterparts doing a variety of activities. We have linked up to support Roubroum, a local NGO primary school, with their reading program giving them access to a wider range of books. The children have also shared with them some of their favourite stories and read together.
We have also arranged a variety of one-off events such as friendly football fixtures, cross-country running and chess tournaments to name a few. Some of the schools we have partnered with include Hope school, Eli School and the Jay Pritzker Academy. ISSR also have a budding high school and the links between the two get stronger every year. One of the favourite events is the Great Cambodian Cook-off competition which pits children from both respective schools and cooking clubs to plan and cook a 3 course meal to be judged by an expert panel.
At ISSR we believe that children should be encouraged to form interests outside of the classroom too and as such we run a variety of after school clubs. These normally run from the end of the school day, 3:15pm, until 4pm. Below you can find a list of clubs that have run in the past.
– Chess
– Debate
– Computer (different clubs and skills explored for different age groups)
– Tae Kwon Do
– Multi-sports
– Gardening
– Cooking
– Arts and Crafts
– Choir
– Football
– Knitting
– Dance
– Private music lessons (violin, drums, guitar and piano)
Please see the administrative team if you would like to know which clubs are running at the present time.
We recognise the importance of giving back to our community and supporting local projects and organisations. ISSR has established a strong relationship with the local children’s hospital. Throughout the school year the proceeds of various special events are donated to the hospital and other select charities.

ISSR has many special events and themed days. These create opportunities for classes to work alongside another year group; strengthening relationships across the whole school. They also provide a platform in which we celebrate being a diverse and multicultural community.

Earth Science Week
Earth Science Week is a time of creativity and curiosity across the whole school. It enables pupils to gain a better understanding and appreciation for the Earth Sciences and to encourage stewardship of the earth. Each year a different project is undertaken by the whole school and displayed around the campus.
International Children’s Book Day and School Library Week
International Children’s Book Day and School Library Week creates an exciting opportunity for pupils to raise their passion surrounding reading. Each year parents and other guests are invited to read a variety of stories to children in a range of different languages such as Khmer, French, Chinese, Korean alongside English. Reading competitions, story writing, creating bookmarks, library treasure hunts, and dressing up as different story book characters has also been an important part of these themes. In addition bookmarks made by each of the classes and books are donated every year to a different NGO (Non Government Organisation).

Khmer New Year
Khmer New Year is an important part of Cambodian culture. Both students and staff get excited about celebrating it and taking part in traditional games.

Every year both staff and children at ISSR enjoy dressing up for our spooky Halloween parade.

School Fair
One of the highlights of our school year is our annual school fair. This brings the whole school and local community together. A variety of fun and interactive stalls are set up, each organised by a different year group. Every year the money raised from the school fair is donated to a chosen charity.
Every year we have a concert at Christmas and another at the end of the year. These are great opportunities for the children to perform for parents and the wider community. It’s also a chance for the children in the Khmer programme to perform traditional dance and music.